By condensing a photo studio and video studio into one machine, the speed and efficiency of each shoot is unparalleled. This all-in-one studio photography setup enables you to create stunning content within minutes. From fashion photography and models to large products and sets, the magic of Live is in its simplicity of operation. Everything that exists with a traditional photography set up, including the camera and lights, is all easily controlled at the touch of a button on the attached iPad.
Brands are needing to create more content than ever before. The speed of creation and our expert team being on hand to assist, allows you to feed all of your digital channels with a consistent stream of high quality engaging content.
Stunning photos and video of your models and large products in minutes.
Export your automatically edited videos and high-quality stills to customisable outputs unique to your brand. Digital photography and video is instantly ready for ecommerce and social commerce including Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, TikTok and in-store digital signage and any other digital platform within minutes. The opportunities are endless. Live’s stage is a customisable arena and the ability to change flooring and backdrops brings your wildest creative photography visions to life. We’ve captured everything from cocktail bars, to furniture and room sets. Now it’s your turn.
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